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News Update 16/03/2014

We are thrilled that we now have in excess of three hundred people signed up to the ‘No Campaign’, and well over 200 are local people.  This means that we have exceeded the number of people that the Community Council needed to enable them to represent the ‘No Campaign’ without the need for a local […]

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Community Benefit And Other Myths

Wind farm developers, land owners, Government agencies and other vested interests like to talk about the attractive ‘Community Benefit’ payments that are being offered as part and parcel of the wind farm construction projects that are blighting our landscape. They also like to point out that this ‘Community Benefit’ has nothing to do with the […]

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Objection deadline for ABO Wind’s met mast

Urgent message to all members: Objection deadline for ABO Wind’s meteorological mast planning application is 17th March. Please visit where there is a link to the Highland Council’s ePlanning website to enable an objection to be lodged against the proposed erection of an 80 metre high mast at Farley Forest, Struy. The deadline for […]

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Notice For Soirbheas Members

Some of you who have joined us in opposing the proposed Beinn Mhor development may also be members of the charitable company Soirbheas. If you are, we would urge you to contact the Chair of Soirbheas, Tanya Castell ( ), in your capacity as a Soirbheas member to demand that the Soirbheas board should […]

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Thief Steals Campaign Banner

Our 9ft x 3ft campaign banner at the former Fasnakyle Church was removed by a person or persons unknown between 5pm and 8pm yesterday (Monday 3rd).  The theft has been reported to Police Scotland.  If anyone was in the area around these times and saw anyone acting suspiciously please contact the police directly or email […]

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A View from Down Under

The following was received by email from a supporter of our campaign in Australia and is reproduced with her full permission: “I am a descendant from a Chisholm family which originally resided in this area. As an Australian I regularly visit the traditional homelands of my Chisholm Clan and each time I thoroughly enjoy and […]