It’s now Fiodhag Wind Farm!
German developer Vento Ludens signed their interest in the site 5 years ago. They had 5 years to decide on a project name and settled on Fasnakyle Wind Farm.
After 11 months of publicly using the name of Fasnakyle Wind Farm, they have changed it to Fiodhag Wind Farm. Maybe they realised that Fasnakyle is well known locally to be the gateway to Glen Affric!
The site includes Beinn Mhor, the main hill on the site, which was the location of a previous wind farm proposal of the same name that was ‘Refused’ outright by the Scottish Government in 2015. So it’s no surprise they didn’t choose that name!
Hopefully you’re keeping up! Some have suggested changing the name is cynical so, we decided to take a closer look at the Vento Ludens statement
After careful consideration, we have made a decision to change the project name from Fasnakyle to Fiodhag Wind Farm. The name Fasnakyle was a result of the majority of the project being located on Forestry and Land Scotland estate that forms part of the forestry block known as Fasnakyle. However, we are conscious that the wind farm would be sited on the other side of the glen from the hamlet specifically known as Fasnakyle and we have, therefore, taken the decision to re-name the project. The name Fiodhag has been taken from the Allt nam Fiodhag which runs from the loch of the same name and then through much of the area we are considering for the project
Email sent from dated 30/10/2020
- They have chosen to change the name from Fasnakyle to Fiodhag “…after careful consideration…“. Does this mean that taking 5 years to choose the original name of Fasnakyle was not long enough for “…careful consideration“?
- Vento Ludens could have chosen the name of Beinn Mhor that was used before, and is incorporated in this site, but of course this has the stigma of being rejected outright by the Scottish Government. No surprises there then.
- They quote their reason for choosing the Fasnakyle name was due to the site “…being located on Forestry Land Scotland estate that forms part of the forestry block known as Fasnakyle…“. Sorry, but no. Having checked with Forestry themselves, not one inch of the 5000 acre site sits in the Fasnakyle block. Whoops!
- So, what about this previously unheard name of Fiodhag “…taken from the Allt nam Fiodhag which runs….through much of the area…“. Does it cover “much” of the site? Hmm, lets have a look at the map below. Guess that’s a “no” then!

Rather than choosing a name of obscurity, as the site borders an internationally known destination, we wonder why the developer didn’t simply name it the Glen Affric Wind Farm.
If one were sceptical one might say this was a deliberate attempt by Vento Ludens to give the impression that the proposed wind farm was nowhere near Glen Affric!
Let the reader decide.